Corporate Events

Corporate event lighting is the primary factor that controls the feeling a meeting space presents to your audience.  It has the ability to transform a hotel ballroom into a nightclub, or a tradeshow floor into an intimate gathering.  Simply changing the lighting can turn a serious business meeting into a lighthearted celebration.

Theatrical Lighting Connection has been providing equipment and technical leadership to the events industry since businesses first started to incorporate theatrical type production into corporate events.  We have transformed every type of space imaginable, from ballrooms to theaters to conference centers and museums.  We have designed for every type of event, from shareholder meetings to charity fundraisers, product launches to educational seminars, New Year’s celebrations and more.

When designed correctly, the lighting is the ingredient that will upgrade your corporate event from “just another meeting” to a memorable occasion.  It will leave your audience with an emotional attachment to the message you are there to present.  The next time you need to transform a meeting space from standard to spectacular, call Theatrical Lighting Connection, and see what the experts in corporate event lighting can do.
